This was one of those annoyingly poorly designed manufacturer repairs for a product that should last for years, but sadly didn’t. The gist of the problem is that the BagBoy cart comes with a lever actuated hand break, terrific! However, if you forget to release the lever and push the cart it tends to sheer off the plastic locking teeth on the wheel insert, the locking pin is made of metal so that’s no big surprise.

The plastic insert (3 wing grey part) would never hold up under any real testing… I’m certain it was a point of failure when tested, assuming they tested it.
So, I essentially removed the plastic insert, cut it down for an adapter plate made from aluminum. I made a test adapter plate from MDF, it was handy, and my idea seemed to work fine.
I found the center of the insert and the mounting holes then cut them in a scrap piece of wood on the CNC. After the insert was mounted to the table, I then cut the existing parking brake ears off of the insert leaving a flat surface on the bottom and a 2″ diameter of plastic as a flange (not really needed).

This image is from Mach3 essentially showing the brake ears routine to mill them off.

After the insert had been milled flat, I then cut from .250/6061 aluminum the permanent brake. The aluminum won’t rust and is a perfect fix..!

This last video is a little hard to see but you get the idea..